Thursday, September 10, 2009


1. Visit India. New York is so last decade.

2. Use the Internet.

3. Heard a rap song you actually like and by that I don’t mean Kanye or anyone else singing with that damn auto-tune, I mean rap before it went robot.

4. Heard a Queen song you like. Pick one (Bohemian Rhapsody, A kind of Magic, Under Pressure, We are the Champions. The list is endless).

5. Joined some sort of social network, MySpace, facebook, e.t.c

6. Made fun of America. Not for anything, but because they’re the only world’s super-power. Whatever that means, I mean they had Bush as president. I’m just saying.

7. Realize that Africa isn’t all those donation ads you see on TV. Seriously!

8. Had issues with yourself.

9. Wonder why you are here. Speaking of which, this reminds me of a great song by Outkast called, “Chuuurch” from the Speakerboxxx album. The hook goes something like, “Sometimes life can get you down/ With your feet all up in the dirt/ And if you feel that left behind/ You need to get up and go to chuuurch/”. The choir at the end with the piano accompaniment is just Holy awesome.

10. Made a list… like this one.

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