Monday, May 16, 2011


Now some of you may not know Bon Iver, but they're the group Kanye West sampled on his Lost In The World track off his MBDTF album (I can't write it out, it's too long). Anyway the lead singer reprised his vocals for the track as well as sang on Monster. Yeah that's him. Anyway the group are back and this is their new single from their sophomore album titled... "Bon Iver". Anyway I absolutely think y'all need to donwload this bitch. All you gotta do is send them ur e-mail (no scam, I swear) and you'll get the song: ( Also check out the standout track from their last album, For Emma, Forever Ago, it's called, Skinny Love and I'm sure you might have heard it on a few of your favourite TV shows. You're gonna have to search for that one on your own. PEACE!

Monday, May 2, 2011


It took about a year to find Saddam’s ass in a cave and now with the news of Osama’s capture, that’s almost 10 years the U.S having been trying to find the F.B.I/C.I.A’s most wanted, but more than fifteen Goddamn years later, no word on who killed Tupac or Biggie. The F.B.I released a supposed secret file claiming Tupac got threats from the Jewish Defense League (the most powerful Jewish lobby group in the world). First of all no one in their right mind wants to fuck with the Jewish League; the minute you start speaking they get all sensitive and start accusing you of anti-Semitism, which is the most misused term in the racial dictionary, because technically Arabs are Semites too, which will make the U.S government the most anti-Semitic group in the last 10 years. Also no one wants to deal with the stigma of being labeled, “anti-Semitic”, even when the term is used wrong as it so often is.

Two, the Jews ain’t kill Tupac (just like they ain’t kill Jesus… and which prophet you know ain’t never been sold out by his own people). If we find out a Jew or two were involved in Tupac’s murder, what’s that got to do with a whole race? These days all suicide bombers are Muslims, but not all Muslims are suicide bombers. Get it? Do you think the Jewish league was jealous of “thug life” or angry that Tupac was drinking Alize? Hebrew please! They already own alcohol. If they were threatening Tupac for anything, it was probably because he was claiming West-side, when in fact they own all the property on the West-side (word to Eddie Griffin). That’s it, nothing more.

So I ask you, now that they’ve got Osama, will we ever find out who killed Tupac and Biggie… and Jam Master Jay? I’ll be waiting… till that day! (See how I put that little rhyme there) And since the world is supposed to be on “high-alert” in case “Al-Qaida” feels the need to seek revenge for the death of their leader, it had me thinking. Were Al-Qaida ever to join forces with the Jewish Defense League (for reasons I could never think of), they’d probably be called, “Intifada Supreme”. One word against them and… Kaboom! No suicide note, no video messages, not even a letter claiming responsibility. You know why? ‘Cause real Gs move in silence like the 'g' in Lasagna.

On a more serious note, did anyone notice the Benylin looking bottles on the shelf in Osama’s bedroom on that video that they showed after the shootout? …I’m just saying… someone might have been bumping Far East Movement and “sipping sizzurp in my ride, getting slizzard”. And for those of you who are wondering how it all went down, don’t worry! The good old and always accurate folks at Hollywood are making a movie on this very event and it’s by the team who made Hurt Locker ( Can I hear Oscar? Now I wonder who will play Osama? And by the way for all you people, specifically Muslims who might feel some sort of sympathy towards Osama Bin Laden, apart from telling you not to please kill me, may I remind you of the words of the Egyptian scholar Amr Khaled, who when asked about Osama Bin Laden said, “Osama Bin Laden says he’s speaking for us… who asked him?”